Action AI

Brand Positioning, Proposition Development, Website Design and In-Bound Marketing Roll-Out

Stakeholder: Founder / CEO

The Challenge
Action AI had the best conversational AI technology in the world, but no one knew. TKM Consultants were bought in to establish a market leading challenger brand, including vision, mission, values, culture, positioning and propositions that would deliver clarity and salience. The plan was to build a strong marketing and communication plan, design a website and uplift their social content all of which would demand attention and deliver both customer wins and capital injection.

Our expertise in defining insightful strategy, delivering creative positioning and creating unique and relevant content to drive demand generation ensures we can craft a compelling story to drive sales, nurture prospects and accelerate growth.

What We Did
Using our brand-strategy model, we evaluated competitor positioning, customer segments, ran customer and prospect interviews, dissected the industry landscape and ran workshops with the Action AI team in order to establish the internal traits and external value of working with Action AI. This enables us to craft a unique brand essence from which all communications would hang. We also evaluated the customer journey to determine the customer touchpoints, through the purchase cycle so we could produce relevant content.

What We Delivered
A unique brand essence and new visual identity (logo, colour palette, vocabulary), that resulted in a new website and new content throughout. Content included CEO/Founder video’s articulating the propositions, use case audio examples bringing to life the conversational AI software, a partner portal plus industry specific solution pages. We also designed a comprehensive content schedule, enabled by HubSpot, delivering on site blogs and off-site social content including video, thought leadership and a glossary plus partner specific content. Finally, we reconfigured and training the team on HubSpot to maximise the distribution of the content and build automation workflows as well as marketing and sales sequences.

The Outcomes
A strong brand positioning, based on “extraordinary customer service automation” with content to be proud of. A simple message that could be shared with partners and articulated to prospects, plus marketing led content that engaged the industry and led to early-stage prospect meetings with some of the largest financial and healthcare companies in the world.